Peter Kariuki, leader of a "city" of 12,000 internally displaced
Kenyans, and part of the Africa Rising network. |
I just returned from two weeks in Kenya and Tanzania where Gayle and I attended the annual meeting of Africa Rising, an organization we founded, and visited a number of the 14 organizations that are part of the AR network. The trip was very rewarding. We saw that the organizations have grown individually, and they have grown collectively as a network with a common voice. My commitment to grow the organization and spread its reputation as an agent of change in East Africa grew even stronger. But that commitment comes at a time when the finances of AR are in dire straits. With the flagging economy, philanthropic giving has been lessened. But AR also needs to do a better job of seeking donations and grants. We have begun doing that, but it takes a lot of time and effort. And part of that effort is writing about the AR success stories, including in a weekly blog. I'm afraid I have only one blog in me - at best. So I am going to close down this one and move my blogging energies to Africa Rising. If you'd like to follow that blog, you can look for it on the
Africa Rising website. Or, if you can't find it, send me an email at jim.thomas(at)africarising.org, and I'll tell you where it is.
Thank you for following this blog and my thoughts on what could be for the church in the Triangle. I will continue that search for a new fusion of Christian mission and worship. If you think of it, please keep this journey in your prayers.